“(Learning of Breonna Taylor) was such an impactful event that I can recall exactly what I was doing in that moment. I was on my laptop in my living room, trying to finish an assignment for school. And I remember looking over and my phone was blowing up. I was getting text message after text message. I was seeing links being shared and discussions being had, but I was trying not to focus on my phone. But then something in me was like: You need to check. I was in an instant state of shock. I didn’t know how to process, so I shut my laptop and I got up and walked around.
Our demonstrations and the things that we do to create change have been historically very, very peaceful. It looks better to come peacefully than it is to come with aggression, loud voices. For us, it’s like, ‘No, we’re tired of it.’ We don’t necessarily want to be peaceful. We’re not gonna hold back on anything. We’re not going to do everything to accommodate you. We’re tired of accommodating. We’re going to do what’s best for us. That’s what my generation is doing.
I’m so grateful and thankful for my mother, because she’s a white woman, and she has a different perspective on the Black experience. She’s taught me a lot of what I know about being a Black woman. I am a Black woman, no matter what biology says or what anybody else thinks. That’s who I am.
I’m a youth-development specialist for a nonprofit. My hope is to become a therapist someday. I see myself happy, healthy, hopefully married with children. I want lots of babies. I sometimes say one of my main purposes on Earth is to become a mother. I feel like that’s something God put on my heart.”