We Have So Much Room to Grow

Breonna Taylor was 26.

Here, 26 Black women in their mid-20s talk about everything from motherhood to protesting, gun ownership to Afrofuturism, Netflix to being the boss — and aspirations for life beyond 26.

Photos by Charlee Black
Props and styling by Katie Lee Jones
Photo assistant and digital tech: Demi Gardner
Makeup by Cierra Porter


Interviews by Nikayla Edmondson, Adrienne Hamilton, Cassia Herron, Faith Lindsey, Christian Lucas, Ebony O’Rea, Tawanda Lewis Owsley, Attica Scott, Cynthia Lee-Stewart, Toetta Taul, Katina Whitlock and Lorraine Wilbur. Read about the interviewers here.


This story originally appeared in the 2020 No. 6 print issue of Louisville Magazine. Interviews edited for length and clarity. Read how this piece came to be here.


Click each cover to read the full interviews. And please let us know who we should talk to next.
