My child brings me joy. Seeing her become friends with little white children brings me hope. She loves everything and everyone. She doesn’t judge anybody. She’s just so loving. My dad is a pastor. My grandfather was a pastor, and he used to have marches for equal rights. Growing up, it was all, ‘We’re supposed to be together, get along, help one another.’ I feed the homeless with my dad through the week. We give them clothing as well, anything they need, help them sign up for food stamps or help them get off the street, basically.


Until (Breonna Taylor was killed), I didn’t know how many people were racist. The one thing that bugged me a lot was people saying, ‘Oh, (she) shouldn’t have dated this kind of guy.’ You never really know who you’re with until you get to know them. That could have been me or any young man I’ve ever dealt with.

I’m a ramp agent at the airport, for American Airlines. I just started doing nails over the summer. I was really bored and thought I should pick up a skill. I know how to weld and I know how to fix furniture. My nails break on the ramp, so now I can fix them myself — for free.


I see myself married with probably one more child. I want a house built for me and my little family. I want to stay at home and wake the kids up, cook dinner for my husband. That’s just the life I’ve always dreamed of.”

This is one of 26 interviews with Black women that ran in our 2020 No. 6 print issue.
Photos by Charlee Black.


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